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John Rambo began his professional wrestling career 11 years ago at Afa The Wild Samoan's Pro Wrestling School. Over the years John has had the opportunity to wrestle successfully all around the world. There are many more opponents that Rambo has faced, than not. He's been around just about every place wrestling is held and has wrestled with the best of them. Since beginning his career in Memphis, Tenn. with Jerry Lawler and Jeff Jarrett, John has taken various territories by storm. After a very successful run in the independent circuits back in 1989 & 1990, John was called out to wrestling hotbed Pacific Northwest Wrestling in Portland Oregon. While there he continued to travel overseas and compete. "The Pacific Northwest was an excellent learning experience for me, especially with the weekly TV show that aired every Saturday night on KPTV-12 throughout the western states.", Rambo stated. "When I first got there it was nothing to wrestle 40 to 50 nights in a row without a day off. That's a lot of traveling. But, that's called paying your dues. And at the time, the territory consisted of Crush, Billy Jack Haynes, Buddy Rose, Raven (then Scotty the Body), Steve Doll(AKA Steve Dunn), Equalizer (now known as Davey Sullivan), Lynn Denton the Grappler, Jesse Barr, Matt Borne, Scott "Flash" Norton (former tag team partner with John Rambo), Ricky Santana, Carl Stiles, Al Madril, Beetlejuice (Art Barr), Ron & Don Harris (Brothers Grimm), Jimmy Snuka, Bart Sawyer, WCW instructor Mike Wenner, Moondog Ed Moretti, Col. DeBeers (another former tag team partner of John Rambo). and a handful of other very talented wrestlers. Rambo spent 7 years in the Pacific Northwest and in that time won the PNW Heavyweight title, PNW Tag Team Championship with Col. DeBeers, PNW Television title, Championship Wrestling, U.S.A. (Vancouver, WA.) Champion, E.C.C.W. Heavyweight Champion (Extreme Canadian Championship Wrestling) which was the last title Rambo earned in 1996 with a tough fought battle with Jimmy Snuka in Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Rambo returned to the East Coast in February 1997 to take over as operator and instructor at the Superior PRO Wrestling Training Center. Since his return, John was successful at winning the N.W.L. title for the third time in his career(currently "four time" NWL heavyweight champion). When asked who has been his toughest competition, John states, "Everyone out in the Pacific Northwest was tough. A lot of successful talent came out of the group of us that were there then. But besides those guys, I'd have to say there's another big list of very tough opponents I have faced in the ring: Afa, Sika, Ivan Koloff, Nikita Koloff, Nikoli Volkoff, Rick Rude, Cactus Jack (aka Mankind), the Tower of Pain (aka the Undertaker), Iron Sheik, Bam Bam Bigelow, Cheetah Kid (aka Rocco Rock), S.D. Jones, Junk Yard Dog, Outlaw Ron Bass, Rad Radford (aka Louie Spicolli), Ray "Doink the Clown" Apollo, Matt Borne (aka Big Josh), Iron Mike Sharpe, Big John Studd, Jimmy Jack Funk, Al Perez, Hercules Hernadez, Tonga Kid, Samu, Ken Patera, Honkey Tonk Man, Kamala the Ugandan Giant, Larry Zybysko, Sgt. Slaughter, Cousin Luke, Tommy Rodgers, Cowboy Bob Orton, Don Muroco, the late Kerry Von Erich (former tag team partner with Rambo) and I can go on and on. Once you get to my level, all the competition is very, very tough. That's why on Tuesday nights I don't hold back. Some of these guys are just starting their careers, and the others have a lot to learn. My matches with them are a learning experience. That's not to say on any given Tuesday one of these guys might get lucky on me. But the chances of that are slim." Some big name talent John has main evented with this past year are Yokozuna, Disco Inferno, Terry Funk, Mankind, 911, King Kong Bundy, Firebreaker Chip Curt Thompson(UCW worlds tag team champion partner), Carl Stiles, the Rock & Roll Express, Stevie Richards, Original Doink the Clown (tag team partner), Balls Mahoney, and Manny Fernandez. The barb-wire feud with the Mad Russian made much mainstream media attention.
Rambo's style is very rough and brutal. Much like you might expect from a jungle fighter. Labeled as one of the best "true" extreme wrestlers in the business today, it comes to no surprise when Rambo is scheduled for a barb wire match the show will be a sell out. With an actual 25 years experience in various Marital Arts styles and a master in Tae Kwon Do, John incorporates his skills in these arts to his wrestling skills. If you have not seen John Rambo wrestle "extreme style", you haven't seen extreme wrestling or the fierce style many try to imitate but never duplicate. His original finish (patented back in 1990 in the PNW) is the spinning back thrust kick. It has been reported in various wrestling publications that Rambo possesses the best Martial Arts kicks in the business today and video recordings from past TV appearances document the authenticity of his kicks.
Along with the necessary "smarts" required to make it in the ring, Rambo also took advantage of a university education. John Rambo attended Lehigh University where he studied Mechanical Engineering/Mechanical Drafting and Architecture. Rambo was also a 6'-4", 275 lb offensive tackle on Lehigh's NCAA Division 1-AA football team. "When I go around to the various schools and give speeches, my experiences come in handy when I try to relate to the students", says Rambo. John Rambo makes it a point to volunteer his time and go to schools to discuss many topics which concern our youth today. If anyone is interested in having Rambo attend their school to speak to the students, feel free to contact John at JRamboNWL@aol.com.
As to his hobbies and interests John says he likes to do just about anything. "I grew up in the city (Philadelphia) so I learned a lot about life and the city ways of having fun. Going out to Portland, Oregon really opened my eyes as to all the great things this country has to offer. That's probably why I stayed there 7 years. My biggest hobby is the "silver screen". I love movies and everything about Tinseltown. Camping, skiing, boating, jet skiing, mountain climbing, fishing, hunting, the music scene in Portland is unreal, and it's the most exciting place I've ever lived. One day I will return there".
As for now, John Rambo is concentrating continuing his efforts on forming a wrestling territory in the Maryland, West Virginia area. I feel there is a strong demand for wrestling entertainment in this area, and I'm going to give it a shot. What do I have to lose?". With what everyone has seen John Rambo do with the Superior Pro Wrestling Training Center in the last year and a half, there should be no doubt in anyone's mind that if it can be done, John Rambo will be the person to do it.